Recensie van Lust for Life

“Ideale zondagochtendmuziek” aldus de korte recensie in Lust for life magazine. “Volwassen popsongs met Americana-invloeden, lichtvoetig maar niet oppervlakkig”.


Two new songs for free!

Two new songs for free!

I recorded two new songs. I am giving these songs away, only to new subscribers to my emails. You can claim your free songs here.

New Release: Don’t lose touch

New Release: Don’t lose touch

My song Don't lose touch was released on May 30. The song is not completely new, but this is the official recording. It's available on all the well known channels. Here is the link to the song on Spotify.

Slideshow ‘Not a release party’

Slideshow ‘Not a release party’

I made a slideshow with pictures from the 'Not a release party' in december 2022. You can watch it on my Youtube-channel here. Live videos will be appearing on this channel as well.